Saturday 8th April 2023, 1700 – 2100 Hrs
An evening with former U-2 Dragon Lady pilot
Ross “Extreme” Franquemont
Venue: RAF Museum Midlands, Cosford
Runway25 are excited to announce their next event in April 2023:
‘An Evening in Conversation,’ with former U-2 Dragon Lady pilot Lt Col (Ret) Ross “Extreme” Franquemont.
The event will be hosted in the atmospheric surroundings of the National Cold War Exhibition Hangar at RAF Museum Midlands, Cosford and promises to be another memorable evening. Ross will talk about how he came about being a U-2 pilot, training and operations, being an instructor on the U-2 and the experience of the Chase Car, a unique aspect of the iconic U-2 programme.
Ross will also discuss the amazing photography he learnt to do whilst up at the earths outer atmosphere.
“Imagine soaring through the Northern Lights at 70,000 feet, gliding through the stratosphere during the great American Eclipse, or teaching a new person to land the hardest plane in the world to land. I spent 14 years of my life learning to tame the U-2 Dragon Lady. Come to the RAF Museum Midlands where I'll share the stories behind this iconic aircraft and how I became for the photographer that bought it to the world.”
Ross Franquemont
”Following on from the success of our TOPGUN event, we cannot wait to welcome Ross to the UK. I've no doubt we will be on the edge of our seats listening to his stories...the ones he can talk about anyway!"
Tom Newey
After taking in all the amazing stories from Ross, the audience will have the opportunity to purchase signed limited edition U-2 related merchandise including a coin, prints, garments and key rings.
Ticket prices will include food.
Our guests will have an opportunity to meet Ross, who will be available afterwards to answer any questions you may have.
If you’re interested in being an official sponsor for the event, please email sales@runway25.com
Here’s a link to the RAF Musuem Midlands website with full details on how to find the museum: